Our Courses

Diploma in Chinese Herbal Medicine
Length: 1 year
Total learning hours: 1000 hours
Total teaching hours (online, by Zoom or Ms TEAM): 160 hours
150 hours of lecture, seminar, tutorial
Online examination: 10 hours
Directed home learning: 840 hours
Selective face to face tutorial: 30 hours
Teaching base: Leads Academy of Chinese Medicine
Course director: Ying Sun
Accredited by: Changchun University of Chinese Medicine (PRC)
Chinese Medicine Alliance UK
Diploma in Acupuncture
Length: 1 year
Total learning hours: 1000 hours
Total teaching hours (online, by Zoom or Ms TEAM): 160 hours
150 hours of lecture, seminar, tutorial
Online examination: 10 hours
Directed home learning: 840 hours
Selective face to face tutorial: 30 hours
Teaching base: Leads Academy of Chinese Medicine
Course director: Ying Sun
Accredited by: Changchun University of Chinese Medicine (PRC)
Chinese Medicine Alliance UK

CPD Courses
We offer different CPD courses by highly esteemed experts.
Our CPD courses are provided with high-quality teaching to take your practice to the next level.